19. January 2012

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How to create a customer magnet

Creating a “customer magnet” on your website is the key to getting your email lists filled with valuable leads that are interested in your product or service. The first step is to define your target market. You need to ask yourself “who do I want to attract” and “what type of customer do I want […]

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18. January 2012


How to create a “click like to reveal” facebook fan page in 3 mintues with No Hosting and No Designer for Free

How to create a “click like to reveal” facebook fan page in 3 mintues with No Hosting and No Designer for Free

You can turn your Facebook Fanpage into a traffic generating and relationship building  machine by using a trick that is build right into Facebook.  It is called the Facebook “reveal tab” method.  You have probably come across this before on Facebook when visiting the website of a company or product.  In order to see their […]

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