You can turn your Facebook Fanpage into a traffic generating and relationship building machine by using a trick that is build right into Facebook. It is called the Facebook “reveal tab” method. You have probably come across this before on Facebook when visiting the website of a company or product. In order to see their fanpage, video or promotion, you are first required to click the Like button on their fanpage. This instantly generates a Facebook fanpage Like and posts on your Facebook page that you liked the content. You get the video or promotional deal you wanted and they get viral advertising as your friends and followers see the Like notice on your Facebook status.
You can put this same technique to work for your advantage on your Facebook fanpage to generate viral Facebook likes for your content and promotions. Normally it requires some HTML know-how and a webmaster to create a reveal tab for you and integrate it into your Facebook Fanpage. We put together a simple, quick method that anyone with even the most basic computer skills can follow along with and duplicate. You will have your Facebook fanpage reveal tab up and running in as little as 3 minutes.
All is revealed in this video:
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Wed, Jan 18, 2012
Creating a Relationship